Working Groups
The RSMMS General Assembly, together with its member organisations, decided to set up the Working Group on the Regularisation of Undocumented Workers in Europe in 2023 and the specific Working Group on Migrant Women Workers in 2022.
The Working Group on the Regularisation of Undocumented Workers in Europe will analyse the relevant regulations in the European Union, given the wide disparities between Member States and the increasing restrictions on migration.
The general objectives of the Working Group on the Regularisation of Undocumented Workers in Europe are to:
– Collect existing documentation on the subject;
– Fill information gaps and compare situations in different countries;
– Draw up a common proposal to improve European and national legislation in order to improve the conditions of these workers.
The specific working group on migrant women workers is the result of an initiative by the RSMMS Network Steering Committee to create a consultation table between partner organisations, trade union women’s committees in the countries concerned and migrant women.
The general objectives of the working group on migrant women workers are to:
– Promote exchanges and strengthen the participation of women trade unionists and migrant women in trade union activities in the three subregions;
– Increase the number of sub-regional training courses to build the capacity of women trade unionists and extend the network to other countries in Africa, the Maghreb and Europe;
– Consolidate solidarity and develop appropriate joint strategies and solutions.